In the forest in back of my childhood home there is a stream surrounded by an old rock wall. It used to provide water for my grandfather's cows when it was an apple orchard and dairy farm. But now the hemlocks, pines, and birches dominate, and the little stream is unknown except by me, my immediate family, and the occasional hunter or hiker.
There is a spot in it where a flat slab of rock was set to create a waterfall. There, I would sit for hours as a child and watch the wildly running water in the Spring and Autumn, and explore underneath the rock slab when summer dried the stream bed to a cracking crust; the cold winter created a crystalline paradise underneath where water leaked through the frozen earth.
It was there that I learned to cast spells.
A spell is essentially manipulating symbols in order to create change within or without. So, philosophically, I usually define any action as a spell since our brains are symbol creators and manipulators. But what I taught myself was how to ritualistically cast a spell.
A heartbroken adolescent is apt to not think rationally, and facing the tumultuous emotions of this stage, I ignored the anti-spell teachings of my Christian upbringing and experimented. Having no books on witchcraft or paganism, and not daring to bring any into my house, I created my own spells from one premise: if it made me feel better, than it worked. My first spell (though arguably, I had prayed before, this seemed different then) was writing the name of a girl I had been infatuated with but rejected me on a piece of paper, and burned it on the rock slab of the stream. It made me feel better. Burning the paper was symbolic of removing her hold on my heart.
Many years later I began studying psychology, philosophy, and art in college, and with spirituality on my mind, the mechanisms behind how spells and rituals affect change became clear. Symbol manipulation is the foundation of art (later still, I applied this idea to science and existence in general as well), and art is the foundation of rituals and spellcasting. When I create a sigil to engrave onto a piece of fruit as an offering, I am imbuing symbols with meaning and using them to create intrapersonal change, and then perhaps interpersonally.
Poetry and music are my most potent spells. When I create a song or poem, I am manipulating symbols to create something that holds powerful meaning to both me and the observer. With these spells, I open my very soul to the universe, and allow my existence to be perceived and interpreted. That is the true power of spellcasting!
And, it's just plain fun!
When I go back to that spot at the stream, I ritualistically splash water on my face and say something symbolic and meaningful to me like, "In the embrace of my Mother Earth and Father Sun, I am reborn." It is symbolic of the washing away of accumulated stress, pain, and "sin" at a place that is spiritually bubbling over with the power of my personality.
I enjoyed your story.
You write beautifully.
I can tell you are a deep lover of "word"... and the power therein, as am I. So when I see the words "spell" and "casting"... stuck together... I come into something a bit esoteric. Perhaps my thoughts are rather guided by my associations/understandings of the word "spell". I will do a blog on what I see there some time soon. I've been meaning to anyway.
You comments, however validate to me ... at least in part... another meaning there.
You "spelled" out your heartache (in the name of a girl).. and "cast" it into the fire.
Words are symbols and they are "spelled". You said.."A spell is essentially manipulating symbols in order to create change within or without". Yes. I like it. It fits in will with both (our) perceptions/models of spell-casting (and surely I'm sensing there are more). This definition works both esoterically and exoterically.
For me also the world is ALIVE in symbolism. Everything is a signpost by its very nature.
Ok, well you said that our brains are symbol creators and manipulators. For me ... it is the Spirit of God... speaking in everything... and man, either actively entering INTO the "divine" co-creation,
OR twisting/contorting symbolisms to redirect peoples attention from their own life of co-creation... to a manipulated reality... that actually manipulates & imprisions the minds of others. (thatBTW, is a basic, opening sketch of my allegorical view of the Garden...
and the "two trees". Another topic on which I have been meaning to record.) I see it all as VERY VERY related.
I made an audio called "magick... and the two trees" a few months back... but I have seen more since then. And there was much I left unsaid there.
manipulate can either mean ... use,
or it can mean ... to use "craftily" for one's own personal gain.
you say "manipulate"
a new blogging favorite of mine says "manifest"...
I tend to like "co-create".
I wonder... are we all speaking of the very same thing?
You said...
"Poetry and music are my most potent spells. When I create a song or poem, I am manipulating symbols to create something that holds powerful meaning to both me and the oberver. With these spells, I open my very soul to the universe, and allow my existence to be perceived and interpreted. That is the true power of spellcasting!"
That is beautiful and deep and true. I had an EXTREEME magical/sign and symbol/"spell-casting" if you like... experience today while recording music.
The result of that will probably be up on my blog within the next couple of weeks. I will also tell the story.
Is any of your music up so I can hear? I would love to hear it.
So anyway...
as long as we are "manipulating" symbols... and not people... I'm gunna sit on what you said... and let it absorb.
I was happy to see you at my blog.
Now go and cast some spells!
Oh yes!
And it IS FUN!!!
Excellent interpretation, Stacey! I believe we speak the same language...
I'm new to the blogging thing, and I haven't figured out how to post music, but I certainly plan on doing so.
"Ok, well you said that our brains are symbol creators and manipulators. For me ... it is the Spirit of God... speaking in everything..." This reminds me of what Tom Brown Jr. described in his spirituality books called "The-Spirit-That-Moves-Through-All-Things."
My own definition of God is the "Spirit of Life," that undefinable force that directs us creatively and experientially. When "I" create, "God" creates. When "you" create, "God" creates.
"manipulate can either mean ... use,
or it can mean ... to use "craftily" for one's own personal gain.
you say "manipulate"
a new blogging favorite of mine says "manifest"...
I tend to like "co-create".
I wonder... are we all speaking of the very same thing?" This also speaks of the power of words--the symbols behind them are personal, yet even different words can connect people through the personal meaning--essence--behind them!
Thanks for your comment! I look forward to reading some of your upcoming posts, especially the Garden/Two Trees one.
> Words are symbols and they are "spelled".
Good observation, indeed.
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